Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to John Lowe (BBC)

Letter No. VWL2316

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to John Lowe (BBC)

Letter No.: VWL2316

The White Gates,
Westcott Street, Road

14th August, 1947.

Dear Mr. Lowe,

Many thanks for your letter.1 I think I prefer your second scheme to your first but it is a question whether “Floss Campi”2 would go well with the rest of the programme. I suggest as an alternative my “Six Choral Songs” from Shelley for Unison chorus and Orchestra,3 if you do not know them I could send you a copy, but if you think your second programme is all right as it stands, you of course know best.
Yours sincerely,

R Vaughan Williams

DrR. Vaughan Williams

P.S. I think Symph No. 44 goes best with the programme

1.  He had written on 11th August: ‘We much look forward to broadcasting, in Third Programme, on Monday, October 13th, a programme of your works associated with your 75th birthday. You told me that it would give you particular happiness if we could broadcast ‘Sancta Civitas’, and I am delighted to be able to tell you that this has proved possible. The question now arises – what other works should go with it? We have tentatively planned two alternative programmes, and we would be very glad to have your comments on them please.  They are:
either: Flos campi- Symphony No.5 – Interval – Sancta Civitas 
or: Sancta Civitas – Interval – Symphony No.4 – Flos Campi
In drawing up these proposals, we have taken account of the expected performance of your London and Pastoral Symphonies near the same time.  Will you please say which of these programmes appeals to you most, or what other works you would prefer subject to the availability of artists.
2.  Catalogue of Works 1925/5.
3.  Six choral songs – to be sung in time of war, Catalogue of Works 1940/1.
4.  Catalogue of Works 1934/13.