Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Robert W. Fenn

Letter No. VWL2319

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Robert W. Fenn

Letter No.: VWL2319

1st October 1947

Dear Mr Fenn1,

I enclose the draft agreement. My only doubts are the words “or Mr Irving”. I think that the word “or” ought to be “and” because although Mr. Irving and I are not likely to disagree yet I don’t want any alteration made in my work without my permission as well as Mr Irvings.2
For example, if he retires I might not at all be in agreement with his successor.
Yours sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams.

1.  Of Linnit & Dunfee Ltd, who had sent VW a draft contract for writing the music for Scott of the Antarctic.
2.  The discussion refers to clause 3 of the contract which eventually read “… but no alterations shall be made in the music without your consent and that of Mr. Ernest Irving.” However Irving did, in a letter to Fenn dated 6th October, say that, as a matter of expediency it would be necessary for VW to grant him an ‘omnibus’ permission to authorise necessary cuts and minor changes to fit the picture, with an assurance that his wishes would be respected “down to the last tail on the last quaver”. See VWL2325.