Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ernest Irving

Letter No. VWL2325

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ernest Irving

Letter No.: VWL2325

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

8th October, 1947

Ernest Irving, Esq
Ealing Studios,
Ealing Green,
London, W.5

Dear Irving,

Of course you can do exactly as you like without consulting me. I only thought that in a formal document my rights over the music ought to be maintained.
I will let you know when they are rehearsing my Symphony1 and will be pleased if you could come.
Could I have the score of “Joanna” back2 – you promised it me a long time ago! Also Mr Frend3 promised me some books about Scott which I shall be very glad to have.

R. Vaughan Williams

P.S. I want to make it quite clear that you have had my absolute permission to do what you like with my music, but this is not official.

1.  The sixth symphony.
2.  Music for the film The Loves of Joanna Godden, Catalogue of Works 1946/2.
3.  Charles Frend, director of the film.