Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Bush

Letter No. VWL2430

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Bush

Letter No.: VWL2430

The White Gates,

Dec 3 [1947]

Dear Bush

I have had a call today from Miss Mary Charlton a former pupil of yours.  She seemed very musical & intelligent and is now making a precarious living by teaching and music copying – I understand that her parents though comparatively well off will not do much to support her while she sticks to music.
I should like very much to help her by recommendations etc – but I feel it wd not be much use without some recommendation from someone who knows her work
Will you be kind enough to tell me, in confidence your opinion of her
(1) As a composer
(2) As a pianist
(3) As a teacher
(4) As a musical research worker
(5) As a candidate for Mus: B. London
  – & anything else you wd like to tell me about her1
Yrs sincerely

R Vaughan Williams

1.  Bush replied on 5 December saying in confidence that Miss Charlton was somewhat lacking in application and perseverance and did not have sufficient technique as a composer or pianist. He thought that if she showed enough persistence she would pass the degree. He felt that to approach VW in the way she had showed considerable effrontery.  See VWL2436.