Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael and Eslyn Kennedy

Letter No. VWL2508

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael and Eslyn Kennedy

Letter No.: VWL2508

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

October 19th 1952.

Dear Michael & Eslyn

Yours was a wonderful letter and I thank you both for it.1 It is you young people’s affection that prevents me getting old.

Love from Uncle Ralph2

P.S.  I wonder if you could find time to see a little of a young friend of mine lately come to Manchester.  He came over at the begining of the war from Germany as a boy refugee.  He was at first put by our Committee on a chicken farm.  From there he proceeded to another job, but all the while he was educating himself by correspondance classes, with the result that he got an Exhibition at Trinity College Cambridge, from there he obtained a Fellowship, and then spent a year at the University of Nancy.  He has just obtained a post as Assistant Lecturer at Manchester.  He is a very nice lad, and I think you will like him.  His name is

Paul Cohn,
Donner House,
Oak Drive.
Manchester 14.

1.  In response to congratulations on VW’s 80th birthday.
2.  Signed and opening greeting line added by VW.