Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Roy Douglas

Letter No. VWL2832

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Roy Douglas

Letter No.: VWL2832

10, Hanover Terrace, N.W.1.

June 26th 1954.

Dear Roy
I think Bernard Shore is a bit too pernicketty.1 After all, the ordinary school orchestra manages to scrape through such things as The Revenge and The Banner of St George, and I don’t think there are simplified versions of these. Also, you must remember that there is always a certain amount of professional strengthening at the school concerts: also there are usually some very good fiddlers among the masters and their wives who usually play with the school orchestra. But if you are agreable,2 as soon as the score is finished, I will try and arrange a round table conference with you and Wilson and Draper of Charterhouse. I don’t think I quite like your two piano idea – except as a complete substitute for the orchestra, though I want the music to sound clattery and secular

1. See VWL2831. 
2. sic