Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Peter Hamber

Letter No. VWL2944

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Peter Hamber

Letter No.: VWL2944

The White Gates,

26th January, 1949.

Dear Mr. Hamber,

Thank you for your letter.  It is wonderful of you to be able to hear anything at all in the Albert Hall.  I hardly ever go myself because I find it so difficult to hear anything there.
I am sorry we did not meet at the R.C.M. that evening.  Perhaps another time we shall be able to make contact.1
I did not hear Mr. Chagrin’s piece, but I will look out for it if it is done again.2
Yours sincerely,

R. Vaughan Williams
(R. Vaughan Williams).

Peter Hamber, Esq.,
7, Radnor Road, Harrow

1.  See also VWL2837.
2.  Francis Chagrin, Romanian-born composer and administrator.  The work Hamber had heard may have been his piano concerto of 1948.