Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Leonard Smith

Letter No. VWL2983

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Leonard Smith

Letter No.: VWL2983

The White Gates,

13th April, 1949.

Dear Mr. Smith,

Thank you for your letter of April 12th, ref. A 7/7/ML.  I shall be glad to welcome your experts one evening after Easter.
I expect that Thursday, the 21st would be too soon after Easter for you.  Failing that it will have to be Monday or Tuesday May 2nd.  or 3rd.  I am free any day that week; but the week from Monday 25th April to Saturday 30th is impossible for me.
At the same time there are two things I should like to point out.  Everyone tells me that it is impossible to get the Third Programme in Dorking without interference, so I fear it would be waste of your experts’ time; also as I pointed out in my other letter I (doubtless quite wrongly) do not like the tone of your big set.  It seems more suitable for a large hall, but as I said before, I am very much pleased with the gramophone part.
Yours sincerely,

R. Vaughan Williams
(R. Vaughan Williams).

Leonard Smith, Esq.,
Columbia Graphophone1. Co. Ltd.

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