Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael Kennedy

Letter No. VWL3109

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael Kennedy

Letter No.: VWL3109

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

August 5th [1955]

My dear Michael,

When you and Sibelius pull together it is like the spring tides: so I will do my best.1 As things are going at present, I don’t think I shall have any more time in my life for composition! The young Welsh man I told you about, Bryan Davies2 is a pupil of Hoddinott,3 so if you meet Hoddinott you might ask about him.
Please give me a final date by which the copy must be with you.
Our love to you both,


1. This is in response to Michael Kennedy’s request for a brief article of tribute to Sibelius on his 90th birthday for the Daily Telegraph; see also VWL3110.
2. See VWL3107.
3. Alun Hoddinott, Welsh composer working in Cardiff, where he was eventually Professor of Music at University College.