Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alice Sumsion

Letter No. VWL3173

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alice Sumsion

Letter No.: VWL3173

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Saturday [2 July, 1949]

Dear Alice

What a lovely time you gave me – & the car ride to Kemble was a good finale – I got home safe & sound at 5.0.1
– I’ve been thinking about Hereford – I believe the ‘City Arms’ is the solution if it is still available.  I think I could face I.A.2 – he couldn’t bite me.3 & Ursula (Wood) wd like to get a room there too – shall I write direct to them – or can it be done through the Ctee at Hereford?4
  All love

Thank you so much for the newspaper

1.  VW had stayed with the Sumsions following a concert at Cheltenham on 29 June [if poss check Chelt Fest programmes to see what work was being done].
2.  Ivor Atkins.
3.  VW had a difficult relationship with Sir Ivor Atkins, the organist of Worcester Cathedral.  For example at the 1948 Three Choirs Festival at Worcester Atkins had upset VW by refusing to allow him a saxophone in the performance of Job (see VWL2778). Atkins was often referred to as ‘Saliva’ in the VW circle.
4.  VW had written to Alice Sumsion in May saying he understood she was running a ‘boarding house’ at the Hereford Festival and asking to join in and also asking if there would be room for Ursula Wood.