Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Guy Oldham

Letter No. VWL3794

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Guy Oldham

Letter No.: VWL3794

The White Gates

June 20 [1950]

Dear Mr Oldham
I am sending you by registered post rather a rough copy of my Cantata “The Sons of Light”.
You may have some difficulty in reading some of the notes. in that case pencil them in or leave them blank and make a pencil note in the margins.
When the tenor & bass parts are marked “col S-A” please write it out in full. I enclose a typed copy of the words for your guidance.
I do not want to hurry you as the work must be carefully done – but I should be glad to have it at your early convenience.. Do you think July 7th a possible date?
Yours sincerely
R. Vaughan Williams