Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Roger Quilter

Letter No. VWL3807

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Roger Quilter

Letter No.: VWL3807

[Feb. 13, 1921]

Dear Quilter
Please forgive me for not answering you before & to thank you for what you say – it was difficult to write – because we felt so much & cd not say it in print.  I know what this loss to you who were all dear personal friends must have been1
I always loved to hear him sing such songs as Julia especially & also Blow blow2
Yrs very sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

1.  Gervase Elwes, the tenor, had been killed in a railroad accident on 12 January 1921, at the height of his career.
2.  Quilter’s song cycle To Julia, and the song Blow, blow, thou winter wind composed with Elwes in mind.