Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Grace Williams

Letter No. VWL3823

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Grace Williams

Letter No.: VWL3823

13 Cheyne Walk

[about 1928]

Dear Grace
I thought your Psalms1 were beautiful on Friday. I admit that your fear of a conventional climax leads to a slight want of point about them which is perhaps a hitch.
I thought the orchestra played fairly well but poor Carys Davis2 was so nervous you cd not tell what note she was on. So I don’t know what a stranger wd make of them – I saw you looking terribly nervous – I’ve been through it myself – one had to go through it if one is a composer & cultivate a tough skin. Mean while have a good holiday & enjoy yourself & think of nothing but parties & pretty clothes for a bit – you’ve been working v. hard.
Wd you like to go to enclosed – I send the tickets in case
Your affectionate teacher
Ralph Vaughan Williams

1. Two Psalms for contralto, harp and strings (1927)
2. The mezzo-soprano Carys Davies