Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Grace Williams

Letter No. VWL3825

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Grace Williams

Letter No.: VWL3825

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,


Dear Grace
I can’t let you go without seeing you – I shd like to have a long talk. As far as I can make out from your letter you don’t leave London til Thursday – Now couldn’t you come & have dinner with me on Wed: evening & have a real goodbye – not a hurried affair at the RCM.1 It wd have to be early – about 7.0 because I’ve got to catch a 9.0 oclock train down to Dorking – so come about 6.15 to my room at the college. – Do try.
But if you can’t then come to college when you can – I shall be there till 6.0 any way & I can’t let you go without seeing you.2
Uncle Ralph

1. Royal College of Music
2. This was probably written when Williams was about to leave to travel to Vienna on a scholarship to study with Egon Wellesz.