Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Grace Williams

Letter No. VWL3875

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Grace Williams

Letter No.: VWL3875

The White Gates,
Dorking, Surrey.

5th April, 1950.

Dear Grace
I listened-in the other day and Wales came through fairly well, but not really well enough to be able to make a judgment and of course I should never presume to give a judgment on a piece of music which I was hearing for the first time without the score to follow, so the impression to me was rather indefinite, but this was doubtless largely owing to the reception. I did manage to perceive, however that the whole thing was very skilfully done and for once in a way the soloist was not drowned by the orchestra nor was the orchestra drowned by the soloist.
Love from

(R. Vaughan Williams).

Miss Grace Williams,
9, Old Village Road,
Barry, Glamorgan.

1. This appears to relate to a BBC broadcast from Llandaff on 30 March 1950 of Williams’ first symphony Symphonic impressions (based on the life of Owen Glendower) and Violin concerto.