Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to George Frederick McCleary

Letter No. VWL3932

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to George Frederick McCleary

Letter No.: VWL3932

The White Gates

Jan 19 1943

My Dear McCleary1
Thankyou very much from us both for your New Year wishes – What a lovely place you are in according to the printed account. Though the “Daily band concert” does not look very attractive to the likes of us!
I heard from Fiona2 the other day – Give her my love & all our affection for both of you. It would be nice to see you again
Yrs R Vaughan Williams

1. McCleary was a student friend of VW, and in 1960 published a book of essays, On Detective Fiction & Other Things, which included a reference to VW in the essay “Cambridge in the Early Nineties”.
2. Fiona McCleary, pianist and composer and former pupil of VW. Presumably daughter of George.