Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to George Frederick McCleary

Letter No. VWL3947

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to George Frederick McCleary

Letter No.: VWL3947

The White Gates,

5th February, 1948

Dear McCleary
I am sorry this is giving you so much trouble. I suggest, with regard to “Tristan” you should leave out any reference to my opinion on it, because it is just possible that I was at that moment suffering from a reaction, though I do not remember it.
If I was photographed with the Committee of the Musical Club that settles the matter, though I cannot remember it.
The same with regard to Brahms’ Sonata; so keep both these.
I should so much like to come and see you one day when I am up in London and I will, if I may, propose myself, but on the understanding that you refuse me without mercy.
R Vaughan Williams

(R. Vaughan Williams).

Dr. MacCleary.

P.S. As regards Cambridge Musical Club, perhaps it would be better to say merely that I became a member, and say nothing about the Committee.

1. McCleary was writing reminiscences for publication; see footnote to VWL3946.