Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Martin Shaw

Letter No. VWL4109

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Martin Shaw

Letter No.: VWL4109

13, Cheyne Walk,
Chelsea, S.W.

[?June 1914]

Dear Martin Shaw
I shall be delighted to do all I can to help – though I am as much in ignorance on these matters as yourself.
I do feel it was not fair of Mrs Dearmer to sugggest a contract like that – simply for the reason that she can afford to wait for her money & you cannot.  On the other hand if you had demanded a sum for providing the music (just as Miss Watson, say, got a sum for providing the band) I do not know that you could also expect to share profits.
But it seems to me that the 1st thing to do is to find out from a solicitor (or from Thring1 of the author’ society2 if you belong) whether this agreement is binding or not; the obvious thing to have done if you did not approve of the agreement submitted wd have been to have withheld the music – but I quite see that in your present relations with the Dearmers this wdhave been an unpleasant thing to have done.
If it wdhelp you & Gwynne to come here & talk it over with me please do so – if he also agrees that it wdbe useful – but as I say I have no expert knowledge of these things.
I wish you belonged to the authors – they wd help you a lot.
Yrs sincerely


1.  George Herbert Thring.
2.  The Society of Authors.