Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No. VWL4154

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL4154

The White Gates,
Dorking, Surrey.

19th September, 1951.

Dear Frank
I shall be delighted for Guthrie Foote to make some arrangements of “Windsor Forest” for S.S.A.
As regards the songs out of P.P.1 the terms are, of course, all right. The only question is ought we to give something to Ursula Wood for the right to print her poem? I do not know whether I ought to do that or you ought to do it. I am perfectly willing to do it if that is right. The only thing is she might refuse it from me and accept it from you. Perhaps it would be better if it came nominally from you and you set it against my royalties.
The same thing will happen later on when it comes to the question of payment to Mrs. Hornstein for all the new translations and for checking all the proofs of the German words. I gave Müller-Hartmann £100 for his translation, and I feel that Mrs. Hornstein for all the work she has done ought perhaps to have £50. What do you think? In the same way I would much rather that it came nominally from you and you deducted the amount from my royalties. Would that be possible.
I will think about some choral numbers to add to the Opera and see what I can do. I see you suggest S.S.A. Would you also like some S.A.T.B?
R Vaughan Williams

(R. Vaughan Williams).

Alan Frank, Esq.,

1. Pilgrim’s Progress.