Letter from Ursula Vaughan Williams to Joan Shaw

Letter No. VWL4192

Letter from Ursula Vaughan Williams to Joan Shaw

Letter No.: VWL4192

From R. Vaughan Williams
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

July 18th. [1956]

Dearest Joan,
It would give Ralph, & me, such enormous pleasure if we felt you & Martin would have a comfortable little rest & change after this.  You see, its no good asking you to convalesce here, as there are stairs & staris, & anyway, London isn’t the best place for it; so, as we can’t have you to stay, will you let us invite you to wherever you’d enjoy? – instead.  Ralph feels PASSIONATELY about this, so when you have, as I am sure you will, conquered the streptococchi, please do this for him.
He says all he wants you to spend on him is your love, which he loves to have.
(But, we enjoy your Staffordshire pair, & think it is us, (I havn’t dyed my hair yet, to match) so you see, it was the ugliest present ever given.)
Love from us both.
Have you all you want to read? or is there anything we could send?