Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Mr Pearl

Letter No. VWL4294

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Mr Pearl

Letter No.: VWL4294


12 November [1940]

Dear Mr Pearl
If you will send me full details about Mr. Keller1 – especially as regards his musical career I will put his name before my committee.2 But I ought to explain to you that we are only allowed to recommend for release musicians “of eminent distinction who have made outstanding contributions to art”. Why the Home Office made this stipulation I cannot say – but these are our orders. Meanwhile you might find it worthwhile to apply through the parliamentary committee for refugees of which I enclose particulars. I return the letter which you enclosed which does not seem to bear on the case.
R Vaughan Williams

1. Presumably Hans Keller, the musicologist and broadcaster, who was interned on the Isle of Man from 1940 to 1941.
2. VW was chair of a Home Office committee appointed to recommend for release aliens who had been interned during the war. Presumably this letter is a response to a request on behalf of a musician.