Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frederick Dwelly

Letter No. VWL4324

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frederick Dwelly

Letter No.: VWL4324

The White Gates,
Dorking, Surrey

21st. February, 1951.

Dear Mr. Dean,
I fear there would be nothing which could be detached from my “Pilgrim’s Progress” to sing at your service.1 As a matter of fact before Covent Garden took it there was some question of approaching you with regard to giving a dramatic performance in the Cathedral, but I said I must see it on the stage first.
If you ever considered doing it in this way in the Cathedral I should feel much honoured, but I fear a lot of it would have to be re-written to suit the larger spaces of the Cathedral.
Yours sincerely,
R Vaughan Williams

(R. Vaughan Williams).

The Very Reverend The Dean of Liverpool,
Liverpool Cathedral

1. Dwelly had written to ask VW if the cathedral choir might perform from the work at their special Services in the Cathedral for the Festival of Britain in July and August 1951.