Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ida Darwin

Letter No. VWL4581

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ida Darwin

Letter No.: VWL4581

13 Cheyne Walk

June 29 [about 1920?]

Dear Ida1
I am enclosing a programme of a rather interesting concert to be given in Cambridge. Mrs Cereseto (who has been “discovered” by Bardworth) is I believe an absolutely first rate player – but owing to various misfortunes lost all her work – and having two children to support actually at one time took to playing in the streets of London (I heard her once playing the Mendelssohn Concerto outside S. Kensington Station) – I think if she could get another start she ought to make a success
Yrs vy sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

1. Ida Darwin (née Farrer) was married to Sir Horace Darwin, youngest son of Charles Darwin (VW’s great uncle)