Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Eva Hubback

Letter No. VWL4626

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Eva Hubback

Letter No.: VWL4626

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Feb 3 [1935]

Dear Mrs Hubback1
I enclose herewith my suggestion for a letter which I think contains all we want to say and is rather shorter then Foster’s which I also enclose.2
I understand from Foster that Mr Cox had already asked Professor Mackail to support the scheme3 – of course he had no right to do this, but if you think that in these circumstances he ought to be asked I will write to him. I think the person connected with Cheltenham we ought to write to is Mr. Gerald Forty4 – but I am finding out more. As I promised I send a cheque to help with the intial expenses.
Yours sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

1. Eva Hubback was Principal of Morley College, where it was proposed that a room dedicated to Gustav Holst’s memory should be created.
2. Arnold Foster
3. John Mackail, former Professor of Poetry at Oxford and President of the British Academy.
4. Gerald Forty, of the piano makers Dale, Forty, and manager of the City of Birmingham Orchestra.