Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Cuthbert Bates

Letter No. VWL5151

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Cuthbert Bates

Letter No.: VWL5151

Randolph Hotel

[10 May 1939]

My Dear Bates
(we needn’t be formal need we?)
I’m so sorry you’ve been worrying – but I really don’t know what about – I should naturally love to do something for our society1 to sing and I was much touched & pleased at your asking – I didn’t say “yes” at once – because I never make rash promises & I want naturally, whenever the Tudors do sing anything of mine, that it should be my best. Was I bad mannered over it – I do hope not – but your letter gives me the fear that I was – if so forgive me

Very confidential

I am not happy about your leading soprano – she is an excellent solo singer – but seems to me not to have that steady organ-like quality of a good choralist
R Vaughan Williams

1. i.e. the Tudor Singers, of which VW was President.