Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ruth Charrington

Letter No. VWL753

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ruth Charrington

Letter No.: VWL753


[March 1920]

Dear Miss Charrington

I like most of the play very much – but I feel that the two introduced songs are quite out of the picture – and if anyone is to do music (or arrange it) they must be allowed to do the whole of it – I do not know the two settings mentioned – but if they fit the words they are not likely to be appropriate
However there is no time to do anything before March 27th 
All I can suggest is that for all the music which is sung in church etc you should use the plain-song sung in unison unaccompanied.
also p.3  This wd suit beginning of scene II & p.10 also p.3 (I should avoid anything like “soft music” here. The plain-song requiem wd be the best for p.15 and part of the mass for p.16 & 18
p.23 part of the “Gloria in excelsis” wd be suitable.
For the knights riding away and also the music on p.24 I shd suggest the plain-song “Pange Lingua” – the Mechlin version (in any hymn book) – which is easier though not so “correct” as the “Solesmes” version.
– For other plain-song – I have no music here – but the “Missa Dumont” & “Missa de Angelis” are easy & tuneful – I think they are published by Chester 9a Marlborough St (edited by R R Terry)2
Yours sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams   

1. Miss Charrington had been secretary of the St Valentine’s orchestra, which VW conducted during 1909-1910. She lived at Reigate at the same address as her mother, Mrs W. (Joanna) Hadley (in later letters).
2. See also VW’s further suggestions in VWL4113.