Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Cordelia Curle

Letter No. VWL4597

Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Cordelia Curle

Letter No.: VWL4597


Wednesday [12 July 1922]

Beloved Boo
I could have cried last night – it was all so beautiful & yet so empty without you & Ad.1 Ralph has fallen in love with Wheatfield – as I thought he would. Tell Ad he thinks it is perfect.
We arrived here soon after 8.30 – a magical evening – R trundled on his bicycle, I with the chauffeuse – young Holland to help at the door & 2 trembling & smiling maids – Such flowers – I see your hand – but how sorry I was to hear “we forgot to pack Mrs Curle’s chicken so would you like it for supper”. As it can’t reach you it seemed the best thing to do was to eat it!
After our sup Holland came across from the barn & opened the yard door displaying the badger eating his porridge – a lovely sight, & Julius Caesarwas very friendly & Ralph took a just fancy to him but is rather alarmed at the strange appearance of the Badger.
It is hot today – I write this at my bedroom window – R is below happy at the piano – May (?) Holland has been in with a chicken & there are broad beans for luncheon, and a treacle tart!
I am longing to hear about yr passage – young Holland seems so anxious & I loved him for the way he talked to Adam & his condemnation of Dorley[?]
Tell me how Adam is sleeping when you next write – but only send a card – Love to Cecile & all – I think of you bathing today
Your A.

1. Adam Curle, son of Cordelia, AVW’s sister. The VWs were staying in their house in Tetsworth while they were away.
2. Apparently a cat.