Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Harold Walter at the Performing Right Society

Letter No. VWL4006

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Harold Walter at the Performing Right Society

Letter No.: VWL4006

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

December 20th 1957.

Dear Mr Walter,
Thank you for your kind answer, but I fear that you must have mis-read my letter. If you will refer to it again you will see that Mrs Gordon’s plea had nothing to do with the performance of Gerontius at Haddo House – with which I understand that Major Gordon is dealing. Mrs Gordon’s letter referred to a village called Turriff where a small choral society will perform Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb and Finzi’s Intimations of Immortality to an audience not over two hundred in three and sixpenny seats.
It is most kind of you to say that I may send your letter on to Mrs Gordon, but I fear it is useless as it does not refer to the points raised in her letter. Would it trouble you to send me another letter dealing with the questions raised by Mrs Gordon?
