Letter from Alan Bush to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL3803

Letter from Alan Bush to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL3803


Dear Dr. Vaughan-Williams,
You may remember that some time ago I sent you a copy of the first number of “Pro Musica”, thinking that you might be interested in it.
I paid a visit to Berlin recently, and there I had a long conversation with the German editors. They requested me to invite you to compose a choral work for this publication, which would fill out two or three pages of printed music. It could be a work of any character, there being only one condition attaching to it, namely, that it should be easy to perform.
The conditions of publication are as follows: you would receive an initial fee of 25 Marks per printed page. The work, however, would in addition be brought out immediately afterwards by the publishers, Messrs. Wilhelm Hansen, of Copenhagen & Leipzig, upon which you would receive in advance ten per cent of the shop price of the first edition, minus the initial fee which you would have already received.. Gramophone and broadcasting rights would be as laid down by the continental performing rights societies.
I enclose a more recent number of Pro Musica, and hope very much that you may feel disposed to contribute a work to its pages.
I remain,
Yours very sincerely,

Hon. Sec.
English Representatives of Pro Musica.