Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Guy Oldham

Letter No. VWL3797

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Guy Oldham

Letter No.: VWL3797

The White Gates,
Dorking, Surrey.

26th July, 1950.

Dear Mr. Oldham
When do you think I may receive the rest of my Cantata? I have sent all the first part off to the Publishers.1

Your copy is quite good enough for the engraver, though it would not be quite easy to play off, as you have a habit of not putting all the notes in the left hand directly under those in the right, so I shall be glad to have your copy as soon as you can do it without hurry.

Yours sincerely,

(R. Vaughan Williams).

Received with thanks at the “music” rate of 2/ a page I seem to owe you £6-6-0 – Do you think this seems enough
Yrs R Vaughan Williams

Guy Oldham, Esq.,
60, Woodcrest Road,
Purley, Surrey.

1. This paragraph struck through in manuscript, presumably as the score arrived before the letter was posted, and the postscript ‘Received with thanks…’ added in manuscript.