Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Cordelia Curle

Letter No. VWL3665

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Cordelia Curle

Letter No.: VWL3665

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

October 15th 1957

Dear Boo

It was lovely seeing you at the concert – but why only in the distance? Why didn’t you come and speak to me like most of my other friends did?1
It was very sad not having Adrian, but Basil Cameron did splendidly.2
To make up to Epstein3 for not being asked to the party I have been obliged to unveil his statue of Blake in Westminster Abbey.
Who exactly is Vanessa? If she is all you say she had better come and be kissed as soon as possible.
You didn’t miss much at the Macnaghten Concert, and I am glad you saw Bernard’s new home.
Thank you so much for that delightful book, so full of my old friends.
I am getting through my birthday pretty well considering!
When are we going to se you?? What about supper on Wednesday or Thursday  or 24th, or would you prefer lunch either day?
Please thank Catherine for her nice letter.

Love from Ralph

1.  VW’s 85th birthday concert.
2. Adrian Boult, conductor; the concert was conducted by Basil Cameron
3. Jacob Epstein, the sculptor, had made a bust of William Blake for Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey.