Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael and Eslyn Kennedy

Letter No. VWL3546

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael and Eslyn Kennedy

Letter No.: VWL3546

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1

September 8th 1957.

My dear Michael and Eslyn,

I have now read Fame is the Spur,1 and found it very interesting, but I do not think it is altogether a good book.  It is really an economic history of our own times in the guise of a novel – in fact it is neither fish nor flesh nor good red herring.  I find it rather irritating that whenever any one is worked up to a pitch of emotional happiness there is going to be a fatal accident,  – nevertheless, I enjoyed it very much and thank you very much for sending it.
I am now out of quod, on ticket of leave.  I feel quite well, though I get easily tired, and the doctor will not let me rush about and do all the things I want to do.2
I am so glad to hear that you are coming to the Dorking and London parties.
I hope Eslyn’s mother is going on as well as I am.
Our love to you both,


1. By Howard Spring – see VWL3538.
2. VW had recently been in hospital for a prostate operation and they had had to cancel a planned journey to Spain. See VWL3540.