Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edward J. Dent

Letter No. VWL309

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edward J. Dent

Letter No.: VWL309

13 Cheyne Walk

[January 1910]

Dear Dent

Thank you very much for your telegram – I at last today got definite answers from Elwes and the Schwiller 4tet  – Elwes can come all right – but the miserable 2nd violin of the Schwiller 4tet  goes off on the 21st for a month’s tour – so they are no good – and I don’t think any other 4tet  cd possibly get it up in time.1 The Langley-Mukle 4tet have got the score and think they are going to rehearse it but I doubt if they cdplay it get it up in time and I don’t know how they play.
But if you still thought of a concert and wanted it this term we cd and wd do without the quartet we cd do my pfte quintet (double bass and no 2nd violin) & a scratch 2nd violin wd be all right to accompany the Elwes songs.
Or we cd do without Elwes and have (say) the 5tet, House-of-life and odd songs. Failing this the only thing to do is as you suggest and put off till the May term – or perhaps give up altogether – I shall quite appreciate it if you think this is the best plan.
Perhaps you had better wire if you still think it better not to have it this term.
Elwes can manage any time up to beginning of March.


1. Dent had asked VW to plan a concert of his works with him in Cambridge; see VWL308.