Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Hubert Foss

Letter No. VWL2260

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Hubert Foss

Letter No.: VWL2260

The White Gates,

27th June, 1951

Dear Hubert

I am so sorry I have been so long answering your letter.1 However I will try and do so in detail.
I was interested in your article, though I do not altogether agree with your criticisms of the production.
I have come to the conclusion that certain places want altering and occasionally enlarging. This is especially the case in “Vanity Fair”. As soon as the sketch is ready I am going to get someone to play it through, probably Leonard Hancock, and if you could come and listen I should be very grateful.
I should very much like to see the review of your book, but it has not arrived yet.
About Kreisler playing in the orchestra at the Worcester Festival, that is my story, not Cranmer’s. Anyway it is merely a funny story and would be quite out of place in a book which professedly deals not with personalities except insofar as they directly influence my music.
I do not think I want to hear Jenning’s film. I had a lot of trouble over my talk but I don’t think I want to hear it again.
I will try and write something about the L.S.O. when I can think of anything.
As regards a lecture at Epsom, I really do not think I can face sitting still the whole evening while someone else talks about me, so I am afraid I must ask you to let me off.
I have already answered you about Kennedy Scott.2 I shall be glad to add my quota to the requests for an honour to be given him. Perhaps you could indicate to me more or less the line I ought to take?
I fear this is rather a wet blankety letter.3


Hubert Foss, esq.,
60 Corringham Road,
London, N.W.11.

1. About Pilgrim’s Progress. See VWL2255.
2. See VWL2258.
3. This line added in manuscript in the hand of VW.