Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Headmaster, Charterhouse School

Letter No. VWL2067

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Headmaster, Charterhouse School

Letter No.: VWL2067

The White Gates,
Dorking, SURREY.

19th July, 1950.

Dear Headmaster,

Many thanks for your kind letter.  It is an ill wind rain that blows nobody good and those five hundred boys singing in Chapel gave me a thrill that I should never have got out of doors.
You have a treasure in John Wilson.  He evidently has very good material, but it requires almost a genius to do what he has done with it.
Many thanks for your kind hospitality.1
Yours sincerely,

R Vaughan Williams

(R .Vaughan Williams).

Floreat aeternum Carthusianum Carmen!2

The Headmaster,

1. On the occasion for which VW had written Solemn Music for the Masque of Charterhouse (Catalogue of Works 1950/4) which incorporated the ‘Carmen Carthusianum’. See R.V.W.: a biography p.301 and also VWL1983. Later in the year the Headmaster followed up this letter with the one printed in R.V.W.: a biography: ‘The head of School has tactfully and hopefully reminded me that this nice day is your Birthday. I am taking the hint. We are having a half holiday in your honour and in gratitude for your recent generous service to Charterhouse. You may be sure that many young Carthusians are very grateful to you.’
2. ‘Long live the Charterhouse Song’.