Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Norman Peterkin

Letter No. VWL1910

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Norman Peterkin

Letter No.: VWL1910

The White Gates, Dorking

[4th April 1944]

Dear Peterkin

I would be very glad if you will deal with the BBC about my Richard II music.1
The music takes about ¼ hour I think – and I think £50 is a fair remuneration.
Do you think we could stipulate that they should only use my music for Richard II and not for any other broadcast without my leave and that on the other hand I shall be free after the 1st performance to use my music, except for another broadcast or film.2
Yours sincerely

R Vaughan Williams 

1. Catalogue of Works 1944/3. Although written for a BBC broadcast performance the music was not used.
2. Peterkin replied that these stipulations would be perfectly reasonable. He was able to negotiate a higher fee of £65 – see VWL1911.