Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Maud Karpeles

Letter No. VWL1293

Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Maud Karpeles

Letter No.: VWL1293

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Thurs [6th September 1934]

Dear Maud

If you could see R you would be completely reassured.  Its true that 10 days ago the surgeon re-opened the abscess1 – or rather made a deeper incision because tho’ the poison was localised the ancle2 got inflamed every few days  – Now it is really doing well – R is kept in bed, for before it has always been disastrous when he has tried walking.
I think we sd have gained time if the surgeon hadn’t been away until a fortnight ago – The medics always hoped that the poison had enough outlet but evidently it hadn’t –
R is very well in himself – wonderful after 8 weeks of bed.  We do hope he’ll be all right for the Prom – that wd be a blow – but everything is doubtful & I fear the 16 is very doubtful3 – The Surgeon is determined not to hurry – & wisely –


1. The surgeon had opened up VW’s abscess again on 26th August – see VWL1079 – and this letter was written on Thursday 10 days later.
2. sic. Both VWs used this spelling often at this time.
3. VW had been scheduled to speak to the English Folk Dance Society at Wargrave; in the event Maud Karpeles read his presentation.