Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Iris Lemare

Letter No. VWL1244

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Iris Lemare

Letter No.: VWL1244

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Sunday [3rd October 1937]

Dear Iris
This is very sad – I quite understand what you feel – But if you wd make one more effort I wd see if we can get a guarantee fund – I might speak to Allen1. So if you do change your mind send me a more or less detailed account of your expences etc.2
Riders3 is one of the RCM4 shows in the Parry Theatre & I imagine tickets can be got in the usual way.
Love from

Uncle Ralph

1. Sir Hugh Allen, Director of the Royal College of Music until this year.
2. From a note by Lemare: “ Here he was trying to stop me from closing down the “Lemare Concerts” when Robert Mayer’s 3 year grant finished … ”
3. Riders to the sea, Catalogue of Works 1936/6, was to receive its first performance at the Royal College of Music on 1st December with a private dress rehearsal the day before.
4. Royal College of Music