Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No. VWL1185

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No.: VWL1185

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Eversleigh Court

Sat 17th [February 1934]

Dear Diana
I loved getting your letter with all your news – the colds are all well & we are in town as I have to be up for “Job” – & then I’ve got to conduct some me at the B.B.C. tomorrow (Sunday) & then several things next week (I wish you were here). We are at that funny hotel where you waited for me in the pink drawing room & we had that lovely evening.
By the way are you coming to the festival?
Now for your queries
(1) The Wassail is meant to be unaccomp but there is no reason why some one shd not shove some instruments in
(2) The band parts we use for “Jerusalem” are published by Curwen
(3) I stupidly have not got my “Songs of Praise” here & cannot remember the Ascension hymns but I will look out when I get back to Dorking.
I suppose you haven’t had time to find anything more about those Welsh folksongs?
Think of me tomorrow at 9.52
Love from
Uncle Ralph

1. VW’s several engagements on London are detailed in VWL3712.
2. 9.05pm was the start of the broadcast which VW was to conduct.