Letter from Ursula Vaughan Williams to Mary Sheppard

Letter No. VWL4340

Letter from Ursula Vaughan Williams to Mary Sheppard

Letter No.: VWL4340

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

May 31st [1953]

My dear Mary,
Thank you so much for your long letter – we are most anxious to hear what happens…. I wanted to ring up, but found that I hadn’t got your phone number here, so a letter instead. I am so glad you were a peeress on Friday; (I hear from one of the orchestra that it was a very good rehearsal,) & will have a good view on Tuesday.1
WE have been rushing round from rehearsal to rehearsal. Sadlers Wells, Television, & so on. We were not asked on Friday, & indeed could not have come, as we had two other things, & a concert, so the day was as full as could be: I didn’t mind, as there is Tuesday to come, only it was sad to miss the chance of seeing you if it was a chance of saying ‘au revoir’.
Its bad luck for Victor, but as a friend of mine says, “anything nice that happens always enriches us both” so I am sure this will be good for him, he would have hated you to miss it all.
I do hope the miracle turned up – but if not a later one will come along I’m sure, and we shall see you again. So whether your next communication is from Charlton or South Africa we shall not be surprised.
Love, & all possible good luck to you both, are our wishes for you.

Haven’t got to the wax bath yet, but hope to, some day!2

1. Presumably a rehearsal for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II which was to take place soon after. VW had composed some music for the event.
2. A reference to a gift from Mary Sheppard.