Letter from Ursula Vaughan Williams to Eslyn Kennedy

Letter No. VWL3093

Letter from Ursula Vaughan Williams to Eslyn Kennedy

Letter No.: VWL3093

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

June 8th [1955]

Dearest Eslyn,

Genia1 tells me that you are going to Dorking on Sunday – now, would it suit you, it would her, if you came to us, en route, for luncheon?  We have to go off to Cambridge later in the afternoon; but the traffic will not be bad then, for going on to Dorking.  The week is rather full up, so it would give us a lovely chance to see you.  If you agree shall we expect you some time between 11 & 1?  It will be lovely if you can do it this way.
Love from us both to you both,


1.  Genia Hornstein.