Letter from Ursula Vaughan Williams to Edmund Rubbra

Letter No. VWL3296

Letter from Ursula Vaughan Williams to Edmund Rubbra

Letter No.: VWL3296

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

March 21st [1956]

My dear Edmund,

Alas – we cannot be with you tonight.  Ralph conducted St Matthew1 twice in a week before he had properly recovered from flu, & in consequence I have compelled him to stay in bed to recover from too much Bach.  We are so glad that the concert will be broadcast, & we shall be able to listen.  This brings you our love and all possible good wishes.

Please give our love to Antoinette, & also to Denis Matthews.

We are so disappointed.

Love from us both

1. i.e. Bach’s St Matthew Passion in Dorking.