Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams’s cat to Marjory Jordan

Letter No. VWL4585

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams’s cat to Marjory Jordan

Letter No.: VWL4585

The White Gates,

September 13th. [1953]

Dear Madam Doctor,1
As you may have heard my family are going to live in London. They have taken a house for me there, with boating facilities, and I hear there are some nice cats in the same terrace. They have arranged to move from here next week (my uncle J. Cole, also tabby, is then moving in) and as I very much dislike noise, and vans, and removal men, and as They have arranged it, not me, and so I think should do all the work, I have told Them that I would like to come and stay with you for a week or so, till they have made it all tidy, and fixed me up with a fish shop and so on. Have you room for me from Monday next, September 21st?
We all hope you had a lovely holiday.
Your most affectionate and respectful friend,
Z V Williams

(Zebedee Vaughan Williams.) 

1. Marjory [Marjorie?] Jordan, the VWs’ vet. Zebedee was one of their cats – see also VWL4327.