Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to William McKie

Letter No. VWL4957

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to William McKie

Letter No.: VWL4957

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates, 
Westcott Road, 

May 20 [1947]

Dear Dr McKie
It had better be as soon as possible – because I want if I can to hear it before the final proofs past– & that will any way not leave much time2
So shall we say May 31 & I accept your kind invitation to lunch (1.0 p.m.?) with pleasure
Yrs sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

1. sic.
2. McKie had presumably asked VW if he wanted to attend a rehearsal of his new anthem The souls of the righteous, which VW had been commissioned to write for the opening of the Battle of Britain chapel at Westminster Abbey on 10 July 1947.