Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to William McKie

Letter No. VWL4958

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to William McKie

Letter No.: VWL4958

The White Gates

July 6 [1947]

Dear McKie
Thankyou very much for your letter & telegram. May I know the following
(1) Is my tune going to be broadcast (according to the Radio Times it is not)1
(2) If it is to be broadcast I should prefer to hear it at rehearsal & then over the wireless in which case I will come at 3.30  on the 9th & the final rehearsal only
(2)2 If it is not to be broadcast I will come to the 3.30 rehearsal only & accept your kind invitation to the organ loft on the 10th
(3) Alan Frank of the OUP3 asks me if there is any chance of his getting into the service so I have referred him to you
Yrs sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

1. The ‘tune’ is VW’s new anthem The souls of the righteous which he composed for the dedication of the Battle of Britain chapel at Westminster Abbey on 10 July 1947.
2. sic.
3. Oxford University Press. See VWL2305.