Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to William Cole

Letter No. VWL3692

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to William Cole

Letter No.: VWL3692

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

June 10th 1958

Dear Bill,
I think it is time I resigned from the conductorship of the Matthew Passion. It has to come soon and I should like my last performance to be that splendid one of which we have a record, last March. I have written to told the Committee, hoping that I hope we can again have two performances. Tom Armstrong has agreed to take one, and I hope that you will agree to take my place as Conductor of the other. I have written to the Committee to that effect. I have also suggested to them that I shall have the title of General Musical Director of the performances. In that position, I could take some of the rehearsals, if necessary. I believe that you approve of my version of the Passion, so I hope you will use that version, at all events in so far as using my score and parts. The one trouble is that we shall have to find another organist, and we shall find it diffficult1 to get anyone who can manage that unweildy2 animal as well as you. So perhaps you can find one?3
Our love to Winifred

1. sic.
2. sic.
3. VW had conducted the Matthew Passion at Dorking for many years, with Cole as assistant conductor since 1954.