Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Walter Goodchild

Letter No. VWL1209

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Walter Goodchild

Letter No.: VWL1209

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

May 26 1938

Dear Mr. Goodchild1
It was a great pleasure to receive your letter and to know that you were able to listen in to the Albert Hall. It was, I think, a very successful concert.
I often think of the old days when I used to ride over to Stilehurst with Vivian Bosanquet. I met him the other day – very little changed. I will give your remembrances to my brother, he is almost the only one left who will remember the old days.
Please give my kind regards to your daughter

Yours very sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

1.  Walter Goodchild had given VW some music lessons in his childhood, in Ockley, near Dorking.