Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Walford Davies

Letter No. VWL4561

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Walford Davies

Letter No.: VWL4561

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

March 29 [1936]

Dear Walford
With regard to copyright of folk-tunes: legally they belong to the collector, but I fully realize that the collector ought only to act as a sort of trustee. Nevertheless I think it is a good plan to keep ones hold on them to prevent their being put to unworthy use e.g. being jazzed by Henry Hall.
Of course in your case I am delighted they should be printed. Of course I cannot answer for other collectors, but I cannot imagine to their objecting to the tunes being printed as illustrations to a lecture.
So many thanks for your letter about the dinner – It wd have been nice to have you there – but I am glad that as many as [sic] my friends as possible were spared the awful ordeal of a party[?] dinner from 7.30-11.0
I am so sorry Margaret has not been well – give her my respectful love