Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to W.H. Reed

Letter No. VWL1508

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to W.H. Reed

Letter No.: VWL1508

[c 1940]

Dear Billy

I’ve read through May Dann’s essay – it shows evidence of a lot of study – but I cannot say any more about it – there is no continuity & really not much constructive thought – she has got her facts, but does not know what to do with them
– To take one example, she discusses mysticism in music – and seems to think it all depends on the augmented 4th! and quotes Beethoven as the mystical musician on the basis of one quotation which is not at all characteristic of him. She also discusses mysticism in music without so much as mentioning Palestrina.
– The whole essay seems a lot of facts gathered together with very little continuity, thought or logic. Now what shall I do? Shall I write to Guggenheim and say that I do not know her work well enough to give an opinion – or shall I give the very ½ hearted praise which is all I can give.