Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Victor Hely-Hutchinson (BBC)

Letter No. VWL1937

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Victor Hely-Hutchinson (BBC)

Letter No.: VWL1937

The White Gates,

[13 October 1944]

Dear Hely Hutchinson1

Thank you very much for your letter.
I have already heard from Leslie Woodgate (to whom I had written about a mistake in the chorus parts) that it is only the professional chorus which wd be rehearsing on Friday Nov 3 – & I do [not] think it wd be much use my coming to that.2
But he does tell me of a rehearsal in Luton – & I have written to suggest coming to that if I can get home the same night.  I will let you know when I shall arrive in Bedford on Sat: Nov 4 – I suppose there is no early train on Sunday morning which would get me to Bedford by 10.0 – as I think I told you in my letter I could be in London from Dorking by 8.15. – & I do not want to spend a night away from home if I can possibly avoid it.3
By the way I have not heard yet who is singing the soprano solo & who the speaker is going to be.4
Also the OUP object to the title Victory Anthem they say it gives a wrong impression – I suggest Victory Cantata – have you any suggestions?
Yrs sincerely

R Vaughan Williams

1. Director of Music, BBC, 1944-1947.
2. The rehearsal was for the studio recording of Thanksgiving for Victory (Catalogue of Works 1944/4), referred to here as the “Victory Anthem”, which was to take place on 5th November. The recording was to be transmitted as part of a special service once victory had been achieved.
3. VW did his best to avoid being away from home overnight, because of Adeline’s poor health.
4. The soprano was to be Elsie Suddaby and the speaker Valentine Dyall.